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20 images, taken 2010-2015

I go to cinemas, theatres, stadiums, churches, circuses, concerts,

to the parliament, to weddings and to funerals – and

wherever people let me, I take a picture of the audience. I

go in front of the stage and turn my camera around 180°.

The exposing time is as long as the spectacle lasts, can be 5

minutes or 5 hours.


The individual fades away, fuses with the other individuals

to a big mass. The passive observer is becoming the visible

mirror of the spectacle.

For "audience" I have built a large format camera 4x5'' which can be triggered remotely,

opening and closing the shutter and also changing the aperture.

The equipment I need most of the time is not available in stores. That's why I build it myself, sometimes with help from specialists.

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